REVISION HISTORY FOR QL Collections DVD 19:02 09.08.2011 UK x Version 1 named "QL Today The DVD 2011". Start working on index.htm and autorun.inf. 12:14 02.09.2011 UK x Version 1.0 Bonus material "QLrepository" completed and delivered to Jochen Merz: 2'072'544'041 02.09.2011 12:14 17:28 02.09.2011 UK x Version 1.0 Beta DVD burned. 13:14 02.09.2011 JM x Version 1.0 completed, ready for burning the DVDs. 14:17 10.12.2011 UK x Version 1.1 Patched on 10.12.2011 14:17:21 by QLToday_DVD_StripAndPimp.exe. 09:02 07.08.2013 UK Major x Version 2 named "QL Today The Final DVD". Start working on the 2013 edition of the DVD, first task "Create new and slimmer structure". 18:54 22.08.2013 UK I Version 2 Beta 1 (4.29GB, 13554 files, 977 folders, still incomplete, missing some PDFs, QPC2v4, QXL.WINs not yet updated, etc.) for 1st burn of a physical DVD for test purposes. 10:24 23.08.2013 UK x After first tests under Linux (Acer Aspire One) changes to the namespaces of filenames (Linux is very case sensitive) had to be done. 14:58 23.08.2013 UK I Version 2 Beta 2 (4.29GB, 13572 files, 981 folders, still incomplete, missing some PDFs, QPC2v4, etc.) for 2nd burn of a physical DVD for test purposes. 14:37 28.08.2013 UK I Version 2 Beta 3 (4.26GB, 13296 files, 955 folders, almost complete, has all PDFs, QPC2v4 Beta 2) for 3rd burn of a physical DVD for test purposes. 16:42 28.08.2013 UK x After further tests under Windows and second tests under Linux (Acer Aspire One, Raspberry Pi) changes to the SMSQmulator.ini (there was a path directing to my own PC's C drive, ARGH) had to be done. Autorun was still not OK under Windows, so needed another try. Under Linux it opens the DVD in the file manager which is ok. 16:50 28.08.2013 UK I Version 2 Beta 4 (4.26GB, 13297 files, 955 folders, almost complete, QPC2v4 still Beta) for 4th burn of a physical media for test purposes. 17:45 28.08.2013 UK I Version 2 Beta 4 passed all tests, we're now waiting for QPC2v4 RTM and QPCPrintDemo. 20:15 28.08.2013 UK I Problem found in QemuLator v3.1.3, reported to DT. 17:11 29.08.2013 UK I Problem found in QPC2v4 RTM (v4.0.0.3), reported to MK. 19:34 29.08.2013 UK I Problem solved in QPC2v4 GA (v4.0.0.4) by MK. 08:33 30.08.2013 UK I Problem solved in new QemuLator v3.1.4 by DT. 14:01 30.08.2013 UK x Tests and minor adjustments completed. 14:01 30.08.2013 UK I Version 2 RC (4.27GB, 14803 files, 1060 folders, complete) ready for creation of an ISO image to be delivered to Jochen Merz. 16:43 30.08.2013 UK I Integrated latest QPC2v4 v4.0.0.5 by MK. 17:46 30.08.2013 UK I Version 2 RTM GOLD (4.27GB, 14803 files, 1060 folders, complete) ready for creation of an ISO image to be delivered to Jochen Merz. 09:49 17.09.2013 UK x Version 2.01: Ready to go virtual WINchester hard-drive SMSQE316.WIN (holding latest public sources of SMSQ/E v3.16) now directly available on \emu\SMSQE\sources\, archives of SMSQ/E sources moved to \emu\archives\. 09:40 13.12.2013 UK x Version 2.02: Configuration of SMSQmulator corrected, set "FLP_USE = " instead of "FLP_USE = RAM". 09:37 18.12.2013 UK x Version 2.03: SMSQmulator now v1.22, SMSQ/E now v3.17. 08:48 18.12.2013 UK Major x Version 3 named "QL is 30 2014 - The Distribution", content copied to folder QL_is_30_2014, start of rework. 14:43 07.01.2014 UK x Added \xcl\qdt\ with QDT software (Desktop) version 1.10r by JH, now FREEWARE. 14:49 07.01.2014 UK x Added \doc\qlmanual\Sinclair_QL_Benutzer_Handbuch.pdf (Sinclair QL User Guide German edition), scanned by TG. 19:55 07.01.2014 UK x Started to have a look at my personal edition of the QL/E distribution using QPC2 v4 to see if and how it can included into The Distribution. 10:24 08.01.2014 UK x created QL_IS_30_2014_DISTRIBUTION_written_with_QL_keys*.jpg for \images > not looking nice enough > ReDo! 10:41 08.01.2014 UK x Updated index.htm. 08:54 23.01.2014 UK x Added \xcl\qtp\ for QTop version 1.23. x Added \qle\ for a maintained and ready to go (bootable with QPC2 and SMSQmulator) copy of the QL/E distribution in a freshly made QXL.WIN. 09:48 23.01.2014 UK x Redone QL_IS_30_2014_THE_DISTRIBUTION_written_with_QL_keys*.jpg for \images > Spelling error (DISRTIBUTION) > ARGH! > ReDo! 10:53 23.01.2014 UK x Renamed \25a\ to \30a\, some additions and changes to \30a\. 11:20 23.01.2014 UK x Updated index.htm. 17:06 23.01.2014 UK x Replaced \djw\ with latest delivery of DJ (website as of 20.01.2014) after reviewing and clean-up this first. 11:20 24.01.2014 UK x Added \doc\basic\SBASIC_SuperBASIC_Reference_Manual\, contributed by JM. 17:26 24.01.2014 UK x Shrinked QXL.WINs in ROOTs of \emu\ and \doc\ to 180MB each to make sure The Distribution is still fitting on a DVD. 18:18 24.01.2014 UK x Added \ifc\ and \zxl\. With this "move" (decision) The Distribution is (currently) no more fitting on a DVD. 14:14 30.01.2014 UK x Added about_urs.html. 18:05 30.01.2014 UK x Redone QL_IS_30_2014_THE_DISTRIBUTION_written_with_QL_keys*.jpg for \images. 10:44 31.01.2014 UK x Updated index.htm. 20:31 04.02.2014 UK x Added \qnt\, contributed by JG. 09:03 31.01.2014 UK x Fixed a QUANTA magazine ("glued" two together). 10:40 31.01.2014 UK x Created Thumbnails for the QUANTA magazines. 10:50 31.01.2014 UK x Updated index*.htm (3), created index.htm (\qnt\). 12:06 05.02.2014 UK x Created a ZIP file as a first test run. 3'989'635'140 05.02.2014 11:59 17:53 06.02.2014 UK x Added release version of the QDT software (version 1.10r build 2014-02-06) by JH. 13:38 17.02.2014 UK x QPC2 now v4.02. x Updated SMSQmulator (SMSQmulator.jar and SMSQE) to v1.24 in \qle\. 13:53 17.02.2014 UK x Updated SMSQ/E ( to v3.19 in \qle\. 18:19 26.02.2014 UK x Quite a bit of work in \emu\. 11:06 03.03.2014 UK x MENUCONFIGured SMSQ/E of QPC2 and SMSQmulator in \qle\. 16:33 18.03.2014 UK x Replaced page 2 in all QUANTA magazines as requested by QUANTA. 17:16 18.03.2014 UK x Please note that the file MENU_REXT had to be omitted from this freeware distribution as requested by Jochen Merz ( in \doc\basic\SBASIC_SuperBASIC_Reference_Manual\Q-Index\). 09:57 24.03.2014 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v1.25 (SMSQmulator.jar and SMSQE) in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. x Updated QPC2 to v4.02 (QPC2.exe and smsqe.bin) in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. x SMSQ/E now v3.20. 12:32 26.03.2014 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v1.26 (SMSQmulator.jar and SMSQE) in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. 18:19 04.04.2014 UK x CTP for ZX-TEAM Meeting in Germany. 18:44 04.04.2014 UK x Created a ZIP file as a first test run. THE_DISTRIBUTION-CTP.ZIP 3'752'162'209 04.04.2014 18:43 11:06 09.04.2014 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v1.27 (SMSQmulator.jar, SMSQE and README) in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. 14:22 10.04.2014 UK x Slight adjustments in \pic\. 19:00 16.04.2014 UK x Updated \zxl\. 19:24 16.04.2014 UK x MENUCONFIGured SMSQE of SMSQmulator in \qle\. 08:41 30.04.2014 UK x Added the latest binaries of the Extended Pointer Environment and the latest documentation for the Pointer Environment in \emu\ x RC1 for selected audience. 21:28 23.09.2014 UK I Work continued after a break of almost 5 months due to several good reasons. Goal is to release The Distribution at the QLis30 event in Edinburgh on 2014-10-11. x SMSQ/E now v3.21, updated QPTR documentation, added new manual about config levels 1 and 2 (all in emu\SMSQE\), (in \qle\), MENUCONFIGured SMSQ/E (smsqe.bin) of QPC2 in \emu\qpc2\, \qos\qpc2\ and \qle\. 22:20 02.10.2014 UK x MENUCONFIGured SMSQ/E (smsqe.bin) of QPC2 in \qle\ (WMAN Move window operation). 22:20 02.10.2014 UK x Added contributors.html. 11:05 05.10.2014 UK x SMSQmulator v2.03 now complete (ZIP file of Java8 version was empty). 11:31 06.10.2014 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v2.03 with SMSQ/E v3.22 (SMSQmulator.jar, SMSQE and README) in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. x MENUCONFIGured SMSQ/E (SMSQE) of SMSQmulator in \qle\ (SMSQ New CTRL-C behaviour, WMAN Move window operation). 14:31 06.10.2014 UK x Added QPC2 v4.02 to \zxl\, configured to be able to run the Speccy emulation. 18:28 07.10.2014 UK x Renamed in \qle\ to 19:59 07.10.2014 UK x Installed QDT software (version 1.10r build 2014-02-06) in \qle\. 17:08 10.10.2014 UK x Additions to contributors.html. 17:50 10.10.2014 UK x Adjusted BOOT in \qle\. x RC2 for QLis30 show in Scotland. 11:14 23.10.2014 UK x Restored QXL.WIN in \doc\ as QDT's DDMenu_exe creates a file win2_qdt_DDMenu. 10:32 31.10.2014 UK x Updated about_urs.html. x Updated Rick Dickinson's New QL design in \xcl\New_QL. x Updated contributors.html. 10:36 15.12.2014 UK x Restart work (mainly clean-up of QL/E) after my father Hansruedi passed away on 28.11.2014. R.I.P. I will never forget you. 11:45 20.12.2014 UK x Shrinked two pictures in \pic\ to save space for programs and stay within the DVD size limit. 08:58 23.12.2014 UK x Additions to contributors.html. 13:32 23.12.2014 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 15:48 27.12.2014 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 29.12.2014 UK I Version 3.00 RTM 14-12 (QL is 30 Christmas holiday 2014 edition) 20:01 08.01.2015 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v2.05 in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. 21:59 02.02.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 15:37 03.02.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 18:25 15.02.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 11:14 27.02.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 09:24 03.03.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 09:49 05.03.2015 UK x Added XCHANGE-xhistory_doc.pdf to \qle\Documentation\ 13:52 14.03.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 19:52 26.03.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 18:00 27.03.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 13:30 28.03.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 18:09 29.03.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 08:53 30.03.2015 UK x Updated README.txt in \emu\SourceEdit after I installed it on my SAMSUNG Notebook 300 (Windows 7 64-bit). 17:31 30.03.2015 UK x Fine-tuning \qle\. 17:33 30.03.2015 UK x Added smshist files (2) to \doc\sms\. 21:54 30.03.2015 UK x Re-ZIPped QTop123SRC_zip and QTop123RTM_zip in \xcl\qtp\. 23:38 30.03.2015 UK x Clean-up QLSSS in \emu\. 00:20 31.03.2015 UK x Updated QDTProg.DB in \xcl\qdt\ 15:37 31.03.2015 UK x Added URLs.txt in \emu\SMSQE\ 13:23 03.04.2015 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v2.06 in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. x Updated Documentation here and there. 18:45 08.04.2015 UK x Updated Documentation. 20:04 09.04.2015 UK x Updated Documentation in \xcl\qtp\. 23:03 09.04.2015 UK x Updated index.htm. 08:52 11.04.2015 UK x Updated Documentation in \xcl\qtp\ and \qle\. 12:46 11.04.2015 UK x Completed \xcl\. 15:28 11.04.2015 UK x Completed \qle\ v3.1. 15:40 11.04.2015 UK x Completed Documentation. 15:46 11.04.2015 UK I Version 3.01 GA 15-04 (4.37GB, 17565 files, 1172 folders, complete) 23:14 28.04.2015 UK x Fixed some ZIP files and done some Clean-up in \emu\. x Replaced corrupted ZIP file in \xcl\prs\ by extracted package, retested under QemuLator. 19:36 29.04.2015 UK I Version 3.01A PUBLIC 15-04 (4.36GB, 17607 files, 1176 folders, complete) 12:45 03.05.2015 UK x MOVEd "ready-to-run-on-QemuLator-files" in lbt, prs, qtp, sng and trn of \xcl\ to newly created MDV1 folders. 19:10 03.05.2015 UK x CREATEd filelists (2) for web download. 22:39 08.05.2015 UK x INSTALLed QemuLator package and configuration (*.QCF) for lbt, prs, qtp, sng and trn in \xcl\. x CREATEd MDV2 folders in lbt, prs, qtp, sng and trn of \xcl\. x REPLACEd TINDEX v1.06 with v1.07 in \emu\ and \qos\. x REPLACEd incomplete sound.* files (3) in \sound\ with sound_doc and sound_exp.txt. x REPLACEd some duplicate pictures with lower 1600x1200 resolution files in \pic\. x REMOVEd and thor1-lores.pdf in \djw\. x REMOVEd redundances in \doc\. x Re-Tests and clean-up here and there. 15:38 09.05.2015 UK x Added, configured and tested SMSQ/E v3.21 for QXL PC ISA card in \qle\. 16:22 09.05.2015 UK x Added uqlx-fork-master to \emu\ which is now v1.42. 17:20 09.05.2015 UK I Version 3.02 15-05 (4.36GB, 17597 files, 1183 folders, complete) 11:31 15.06.2015 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v2.07 in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. x Updated Documentation here and there. 22:42 26.10.2015 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v2.12 in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. x Updated SMSQ/E to v3.22 in \emu\, \qle\, \zxl\ and \qos\. x Updated Documentation here and there. 18:35 31.10.2015 UK x Added a ZIP archive (QTop123BIN_zip) with TurboPatched EXECutables of QTop version 1.23 in \xcl\qtp\Redist\. 21:22 02.11.2015 UK I Version 3.03 15-11 (4.35GB, 16186 files, 1150 folders, complete) 22:32 26.11.2015 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v2.13 in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. x Updated SMSQ/E to v3.23 (all but QPC2) in \emu\, \qle\, \zxl\ and \qos\. x Updated Documentation here and there. 18:53 28.02.2016 UK x Completed integration of the QL Demonstration software written by "bi Si" [Sinclair Research Ltd] in \xcl\srl\. 19:20 05.03.2016 UK x Updated about_urs.html. 10:21 13.03.2016 UK x Updated SMSQmulator to v2.18 in \emu\, \qle\ and \qos\. 16:10 13.03.2016 UK x Added the SINCLAIR QL SCREEN-COLLECTIONS (QLSC) in \xcl\qtp\MDV2\. 17:36 09.04.2016 UK x Updated SMSQ/E to v3.25 in \emu\, \qle\, \qos\ and \zxl\. 08:35 13.04.2016 UK x Completed \qle\ v3.13. 23:00 17.04.2016 UK x Additions to contributors.html. 20:27 22.04.2016 UK x Updated BOOT and configuration of ZeXcel in \zxl\. 21:15 22.04.2016 UK x Re-ZIPped QTop123SRC_zip and QTop123BIN_zip in \xcl\qtp\. 21:35 22.04.2016 UK x Added a ZIP archive (QLSC102_zip) with the SINCLAIR QL SCREEN-COLLECTIONS (QLSC) in \xcl\qtp\Redist\. 22:55 22.04.2016 UK x Added a ZIP archive (Official_QL_Demonstration_zip) with the QL Demonstration software written by "bi Si" [Sinclair Research Ltd] in \xcl\srl\Redist\. 12:50 23.04.2016 UK x Eliminated some errors and duplicates in \djw\, \emu\ and \tks\. 13:13 23.04.2016 UK I Version 3.04 16-04 (Codename "George William", 4.32GB, 16375 files, 1147 folders, complete) 16:18 28.12.2018 UK x Added the so called "megagame" Bandersnatch to \xcl\. 09:36 28.11.2019 UK@Monopol I Now or never, the RELOADED edition will be done and released today as a remembrance of this special date (RIP Hansi). x Added some images to \images\: Hansruedi_Koenig_1937_2014_RIP-WLPGcollage_by_name.jpg 1'552'503 08.03.2015 10:03 THE_DISTRIBUTION_written_with_QL_keys-P1190903-cropped-WLPGopt-res_800x70.jpg 47'750 19.10.2016 19:21 QL_IS_30_2014_THE_DISTRIBUTION_written_with_QL_keys-P1190903-cropped-WLPGopt-res_800x152-RELOADED.jpg 72'573 28.11.2019 08:31 x Amended index.htm: \djw\ and \srv\ are now web-only, use new banner with RELOADED theme. x Removed \djw\ and \srv\ folders. x Updated \qle\ folder to be 100% equal to latest official release of QL/E (v3.19). x Renamed four (4) files renamed in /pic/Peripherals/. x Updated \emu\ with most recent versions of QPC2, QemuLator, SMSQmulator and SMSQ/E. 21:18 21.02.2021 UK I Dedicated to my aunt Trudy (died with COVID-19, RIP) and my mother Ruth (fighting the cancer, LLAP)! x Completed and released v3.06! This History created by Urs Koenig, last updated 21:19 21.02.2021